Rights Respecting Education
The school’s Rights Respecting Education (RRE) curriculum is centred on teaching our pupils about children’s rights (based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) and empowering children to take the lead in their own learning. As a rights-respecting school, we not only teach about children’s rights but also model rights and respect in all our relationships: pupil to pupil, pupil to adult, and between adults.
We believe in the principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation. We aim to develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities. Our approach seeks to help children respect human rights as well show respect to their parents, their own and other cultures and the wider environment.
Pupil voice is an integral part of a successful rights-based approach and an aspect we take seriously at Ringwood Junior School. Children are given the opportunity to showcase their views in a variety of ways during their time at the school. Pupil Working Groups are created so they have a platform in which to voice their opinion on matters affecting them. In addition, the School Council meet regularly to further offer their views on school matters.
Each September, every new class discusses the UNCRC and how this impacts their lives. Children are given the opportunity to select the Articles they feel are important to them and warrant further discussion. Each class then uses this to create a Class Charter display which is referred to at different points of the year and is showcased by class representatives at an assembly.
Pupils are encouraged to consider themselves as global citizens, thinking and learning about children in other areas of the world whose rights may or may not be realised currently.