Governor Responsibilities
Aims of Governing Body
The main aim of the governing body, is to help the school provide the best possible education for all pupils, and to enable them to reach the highest standards of achievement. The governing body contributes most effectively to this aim by focusing on its three roles:-
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils
Effective and efficient performance management of staff; and•Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
Curriculum and Standards Committee
Chair: Tom Fowler
Clerk: Judi Goding
Members: Sally-Ann Evans, Gemma Hutchins, Matthew Robson and Paul Hodgson
Environment, Health and Safety Committee
Chair: Tom Fowler
Clerk: Tara Woodward (School Business Manager)
Members: Sally-Ann Evans, Alex Marriott, Gemma Hutchins, Matthew Robson and Philip Wells
Chair: Letitia Cox
Clerk: Tara Woodward (School Business Manager)
Members: Sally-Ann Evans, Colette Taylor, Kerry Bishop, Matthew Courtiour and Philip Wells
Chair: Miranda Laughton
Clerk: Kerry Bishop
Members: Sally-Ann Evans, Letitia Cox and Michael Lane
Staff: Carly Thornton, Graham Crane and Katie Gosling
Chair: Judi Goding
Clerk: Miranda Laughton
Members: Sally-Ann Evans and Michael Lane
Members: Sally-Ann Evans, Miranda Laughton, Tom Fowler and Letitia Cox
Staff Members: Alex Marriott, Graham Crane (Assistant Head) and Carly Thornton (Assistant Head)
Pavilion Management Working Group
Members: Sally-Ann Evans, Tom Fowler, Miranda Laughton and Claire Cleeve (Sports Leader)
Pay Committee
Members: Sally-Ann Evans, Miranda Laughton, Judi Goding and Michael Lane
Pay Appeal Committee
Members: Colette Taylor and Michael Lane
Staff Dismissal Committee
Member: Colette Taylor
Staff Dismissal Appeal Committee
Member: Judi Goding
Pupil Discipline Committee
Members: Judi Goding and Matthew Robson
Head Teacher Performance Review Panel
Members: Judi Goding and Colette Taylor
Head Teacher Performance Review Appeal
Member: Miranda Laughton
Liaison Governor and Subject
Gemma Hutchins English and Drama
Matthew Robson Maths
Letitia Cox. Science
Matthew Courtiour History and British Values
Tom Fowler Geography
Philip Wells Music
Judi Goding Religious Education
Tom Fowler Information & Technology
Kerry Bishop Design & Technology
Paul Hodgson Physical Education & Dance
Michael Lane PSHE and Citizenship
Judi Goding Art
Alex Marriott French
Kerry Bishop AMA ( Academically More Able)