Dear Parent/Carer
Regulations were introduced which affect how our School handle people's data. This is called the General Data Protection Regulation. Compliance with the regulations will be an ongoing process and the School have appointed a Data Protection Officer to advise and manage compliance with the regulation. Full details of our Data Protection Officer can be found on our Contacts page should you have any questions.
We will be publicising policies and procedures and notices that are compliant with the new regulations in the coming months and will keep you informed of any developments. For the time being, your child's data will be handled in the same manner in accordance with legal principles.
In the meantime we thank you for your patience whilst we take the necessary steps set by the new legislation and guidance with handling data.
Data Protection Officer: Craig Stilwell
Judicium Consulting Ltd
72 Cannon Street, London EC4N 6AE
Telephone: 0203 326 9174