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Junior School

Limitless Learning

School Twinning

School Link with Zaelyn Academy, Kenya


Fourteen years ago we set up a link with a small school in Kibera, in the suburbs of Nairobi, Kenya. Our children began corresponding and a pen pal link is now well established, the children have exchanged news as well as gifts.


The school was founded by Lynn Johnson, who regularly comes into school to share her experiences and bring up-to-date news. Day to day management of the school is the responsibility of Zaccheus. We were very proud to welcome Zaccheus to our school when he visited in 2014, 2016 and 2019.


We have undertaken to give on-going support to Zaelyn and this has involved all the children. Every year we hold a scootathon and together with money raised by cake sales and other fundraising events and have been able to purchase equipment and stationery items. One year we purchased sports kit and equipment and we saw Zelyn Academy take part in its first Sports Day. Over the time of our association, we have seen the school flourish and it is now a comparable style to our school.


I was very privileged to make a visit and see at first-hand how our contributions were being used. Kibera is one of the largest slums in Kenya and experiencing the culture and way of life has strengthened our link. I wrote a daily blog of what was happening for children and parents to share (no longer available).


We have enjoyed keeping in regular contact via FaceTime and pen pals have been able to exchange news. This is a valuable way to keep up-to-date with school life.



Get in Touch

Ringwood Junior School

Hightown Road



BH24 1NH

