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Junior School

Limitless Learning


Curriculum Design and Intent


At Ringwood Junior School, our intention is that pupils develop a breadth of scientific knowledge and an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science, through scientific enquiries. We aim to use practical exploration and investigation activities to cultivate a spirit of enquiry in pupils and to develop their ability to work scientifically, enabling them to identify the evidence that needs gathering, how to gather it and how to analyse it. This will enable pupils to develop the knowledge and skills required to answer scientific questions about the world around them, as well as understanding the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.



Science is taught during year group PPA time, by a team of 4 teachers who teach science across the school. This helps to ensure consistency and progression in planning, teaching and learning.   Pupils receive approximately 2 hours of science teaching per week.

Science is divided into projects, many of which are repeated in different year groups, building on previous learning. Topics cover 9 areas: Animals, Plants, Variation and Evolution, Materials, Forces, Electricity, Light, Sound, Earth and Space.

Science planning is developed from The Science National Curriculum and Hampshire guidance.  

Standards in science are monitored through lesson observations, learning walks and work scrutiny by SLMT and governors and monitoring of lessons, work scrutiny, pupil conferencing and moderation by the science team. 

The science team attend courses run by Hampshire in order to keep up to date with current thinking, methods and ideas, as well as subscribing to “Powerful Science” – A Hampshire publication for primary and secondary leaders and teachers.

The outdoor environment is used as much as possible to extend opportunities for practical investigation and to help pupils make connections between their learning in science lessons and the world around them.  



Teachers assess continuously to check understanding and to ensure that pupils remain on track. Termly teacher assessments are recorded for each pupil and data is regularly analysed by the subject leaders. Knowledge quizzes and retrieval opportunities support the assessment of pupils’ knowledge.

Pupils achieve highly in science, across the school. Teachers know the pupils well, provide additional support where needed, have a good understanding of science across Key Stage 2, work hard producing and improving planning and show excellent knowledge and enthusiasm in their teaching.

Pupil conferencing, informal feedback from pupils and parent feedback at parents evenings, shows science to be a subject that pupils enjoy and look forward to each week. Pupils particularly enjoy the many opportunities for practical, investigative science and outdoor learning.  







Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Working Scientifically

Working Scientifically

Working Scientifically

Working Scientifically

Autumn 1

Plants - Nutrition

Plants – Seed dispersal

Animals, including humans - Respiration

Variation and Evolution - Evolution and Natural Selection

Autumn 2


Electricity *Linked to DT

Earth and space

Spring 1

Materials - States of matter

Animals, including humans - Skeleton

Forces - Air resistance, water resistance, friction


Spring 2

Forces - Magnets

Animals, including humans - Nutrition, Teeth, Digestion


Summer 1

Organisms and their habitats (Inc. food chains, environmental change)

Plants – Germination and reproduction

Materials - Making new substances

Electricity *Linked to DT

Summer 2

Materials - Changing  materials

Variation and Evolution - Classification and Lifecycles

  1. A healthy eating display to accompany our Year 4 Nutrition unit

  2. An interactive seed dispersal display to support our Year 4 Plants unit

  3. Our bird box display tracks the progress of this year’s chicks.

  4. A whole school Science display to show case the excellent learning in our school, accompanied by pupil views.




Year 3

  1. Investigating light and shadows

  2. Discovering how magnets work

  3. Sorting materials

How do plants make food?

Year 4

  1. Making simple circuits

  2. Designing a healthy menu

  3. Investigating different types of seeds

  4. Looking closely at skeletons

Year 5

  1. Why does the moon change shape?

  2. Investigating the effects of air resistance on different sized parachutes

  3. How do my lungs work?

Year 6

  1. Designing more complex circuits

  2. Investigating asexual reproduction

  3. How are sounds made?

Get in Touch

Ringwood Junior School

Hightown Road



BH24 1NH

