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Junior School

Limitless Learning

Pupil Voice

Pupil Survey


Pupil Voice at Ringwood Junior School

“Pupils making a difference”


Children at Ringwood Junior School are at the centre of what we do and provide. We actively encourage them to be involved in the development of the school, to make their voices heard. We are committed to ensuring that children’s views are not just listened to but acted upon. Our aim is to ensure that pupils have regular opportunities to feedback to staff on areas of their learning and learning environment.


Feedback from pupils on our Reading Initiatives

‘Winter Warmers’ We have held exciting reading events to encourage Year 3 children to continue to read with parents at home even though they may be independent readers. We invited Year 3 children and their parents or carers to come in to school to listen to and read bedtime stories.

“The Winter Warmer was fantastic as it helped parents get tips on how to help with reading at home,” (Year 5 pupil)

“The hot chocolate was very nice and it helped me focus on reading with my Mum,” (Year 5 pupil)

“I started to read much more afterwards,” (Year 5 pupil)

“After the Winter Warmer, it made me read a lot without being nagged!” (Year 5 pupil)


‘Get Caught Reading’ - We challenge the children and staff at Ringwood Junior School to ‘Get Caught Reading’ by reading a fiction book, non-fiction book, comic, magazine or newspaper in a place that may be special to them, unusual or different in some way. 

“I read to a snowman and a cow! It encouraged me to read outloud enthusiastically,” (Year 6 pupil)

“It encourages you to take books on holiday,” (Year 6 pupil)

“It helped me to read more because I was reading in different places that you may enjoy being in; You are not just reading in the same place, like in your bedroom,” (Year 5 pupil)

“Don’t be afraid to read in public,” (Year 5 pupil)


‘Reading Circle’ Children across the school are given the opportunity to attend our Reading Circle. Children have the chance to go to the library to hear a story read to them by a member of staff at school. The children will be able to sit snuggly on cushions and bean bags and have a story read to them in a small, intimate group setting.

“It helped me with my reading because the adult reading helped me with the pronunciation,” (Year 6 pupil)

“Adults help children ‘get into’ the book more,” (Year 6 pupil)

“A ‘what happens next’ question makes me want to read more and find out more,” (Year 6 pupil)


‘Author of the Month’- Following the success of our Michael Morpurgo Month, we celebrate the work of authors and illustrators each month. This is be displayed in our school Library and through our school radio. Our year teams also have an author focus each term to encourage the children to read books from a wide variety of significant authors.

“I started to read the books from our ‘Author of the Month’,” (Year 6 pupil)

“It makes you want to be more adventurous with your choice of author,” (Year 6 pupil)

“It makes me want to read books from that author. My teacher read the blurbs and bits from the stories to encourage us,” (Year 6 pupil)

“Everyone wants to read the books!” (Year 6 pupil)


‘Ringwood Junior School’s Reading Challenge’ - We are continuing to promote our school’s ‘Reading Trail’ to encourage children to read fiction and non-fiction books. Each child has a trail card where they can record books they have read and subsequently reviewed. Once they have read 6 books, the children are awarded with a reading certificate. They receive another certificate after reading another 6 books and then when they complete their card, therefore reading 18 books in total, they are presented with a very special gold reading certificate.

“I tried a new author as school always encourages us to read books from different authors,” (Year 4 pupil)

“It helps me read different genres,” (Year 5 pupil)

“It makes me want to read more often to get the certificates,” (Year 5 pupil)

“It helps us to write and reflect when we write our book reviews,” (Year 6 pupil)


Visiting Story TellersWe ae lucky enough to have a local story teller and author, Chris Connaughton, visit our school to hold workshops on story telling.

“Acting out the story makes listening to stories even more pleasurable and interesting, and you understand more,” (Year 6 pupil)

“I read one of Chris Connaughton’s books after the workshop as when he came to read to us I found it interesting,” (Year 6 pupil)

Get in Touch

Ringwood Junior School

Hightown Road



BH24 1NH

