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SEND Provision

Ringwood Junior School Vision

Ringwood Junior School believes that all children are valued equally, and all are entitled to a curriculum that meets their individual needs. Some children may have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of general educational facilities and resources found in schools. Where this is the case, a child may require additional support from teachers, support or external professionals. We operate many initiatives in school to support individual pupil needs.

Baseline assessments and interventions

Upon entry to, your children will complete a range of baseline assessments in reading, writing and Maths. This also includes a phonics assessment using the ‘Little Wandle Phonics Programme’. Upon entry to Year 3, including any new entrants, all children within the year group will also complete a Dyslexia Screening Test (DST), on a 1:1 basis. Once the screen has been completed, you will receive a letter informing you of the findings and whether your child is identified as requiring additional intervention to support their literacy skills. We offer a range of interventions across the school and are always adapting to the needs of the children.

Who is qualified to lead Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at Ringwood Junior School?

Mrs Thornton is the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) and whole school leader for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), for the school.

Who is qualified to teach children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at Ringwood Junior School?

All teaching staff are qualified to teach children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). It is the class teacher’s responsibility to deliver teaching and learning to all pupils in their class. All teachers are teachers of SEND pupils and as such provide quality first teaching which takes account of the particular individual needs of pupils with SEND within the classroom.

Teachers and Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) are supported by members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), the SENCo and Subject Leaders, to ensure that they have the relevant knowledge and Continued Professional Development (CPD) to ensure that all learners are successful.

A Higher-Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) and/or Learning Support Assistant is attached to one class in the school. Our learning support team work closely with the children within that year group on either a Keyworker basis, in small groups or within the class as a whole. They develop positive, working relationships with the children and are trusted members of staff which the children know they can talk to should they have something worrying them.

Pastoral Team

Mrs Evans (Headteacher), Mrs Thornton (Assistant Head), Mr Crane (Assistant Head), Mrs Young (ELSA), Mrs Mullis (ELSA), Mrs Whalley (ELSA) and Mrs Gosling (Child and Family Support Worker) form the Pastoral Support Team. The school has a dedicated space called ‘The Snug’ where children can go to receive additional emotional, social and behavioural support.

The lunchtime Club is situated in the Pavilion building, in the Numbers Count room during lunchtime. Here children can be referred by an adult within school if the child requires additional social and emotional support at lunchtime or if a child needs a quiet place in which to sit and complete some creative activities. Children are also able to refer themselves for the same reasons. A trained counsellor provides specialist support for some individuals

A Parent’s Guide



Quotes from Ringwood Parents