Religious Education
Religion Education (RE) at Ringwood Junior promotes truth, justice and respect for all. Our RE curriculum comprises of teaching the children about different religions including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hindu Traditions and Sikhi Traditions as well as the non-religious worldview, Humanism. Studying these religions encourages pupils to learn from different beliefs, values and traditions, while exploring their own beliefs and questions of meaning. Religious education encourages pupils to value themselves and their communities. Religious education recognises the changing nature of society, including changes in religious practice and expression.
The RE curriculum is an inquiry based model of study. At its core is the Cycle of Inquiry – a Hampshire RE model, which is outlined in the Living Difference IV agreed syllabus. The model creates the opportunity for children to show progression in their knowledge and understanding and the ability to relate what they are studying to their own lives and things that matter to them, therefore developing their personal knowledge.
The model starts with an inquiry into the concept and then uses this knowledge to develop understanding within the context of a religion, faith or worldview. Children are then encouraged to reflect on the importance of the concept to believers of the faith being studied. The cycle then moves onto its last two phases, which involve children reflecting on the big idea, both in terms of their own lives and the lives of others.
Children are given many different opportunities to work in different ways. There is a mixed approach of written tasks along with creative and artistic responses to allow the children to express their own understanding of a concept. Children are also encouraged to develop their philosophical discussion and questioning through the use of discussion books. Every class has a shared book in which the children can record their thinking and discussions.
In the lower school, the children have a focus on Christianity, Hindu Traditions and Judaism. In the upper school, they focus on Christianity, Islam, The Sikhi Faith and the non-religious world view, Humanism.
RE is taught through focussed units of words, which enhanees.
As children progress through the school, they will develop their knowledge of different religions, faiths and worldviews. They will learn about different concepts which apply in their own and others’ lives. The children will also have a deep understanding of the Golden Threads: Love, Community, Special and Belonging. They will develop their understanding of the importance of respect and celebrate cultures and traditions in our local society and around the world. The children will also develop their conversational and debate skills through the use of discussion books. The children will be curious about faiths and religions able to ask respectful questions and develop their own responses to a range of concepts.
R.E. Living Difference IV