Iron Age
In Year 3 our history project has been focused on the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We have learnt how the earliest settlers transformed their way of life from hunter-gatherers to farmers and we have explored settlements such as Skara Brae to use our interpretive skills to work out what life may have been like at that time. To help us learn and understand about life in the Iron Age in Britain, we were visited by Matt Russell for a very exciting day of hands on history learning. He shared with us many interesting facts about daily life in the Iron Age. Through the handling and exploration of artefacts, we learnt how resourceful these people were. Matt explained how settlements were built on hill forts and how these were made and he shared with us how these people developed weapons and tools from iron to make their everyday life easier and to help them defend their settlements from other tribes.
In Year 3, we have been learning about the artist James Rizzi. We explored using colour and paint to make a bright painting of our school building. We compared James Rizzi's work to that of the artist Lowry.
Design and Technology
As part of our DT learning, we spent some lessons exploring different levers. We then used this learning to help us make a moving Christmas card.
In PE, we have been working in small groups to create routines using different balances and gymnastic shapes. We thought really carefully about how we could travel from one shape to another using the equipment and thinking about how we could mirror others in our groups.