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Maths Curriculum Overview Year 5

Autumn 1


Number – Place Value 

LTR Opportunities:

Money and measure (Y4)

Number – Addition and Subtraction

Spend more time on problem solving and estimating and approximating.

LTR Opportunities:

value of digits when adding and subtracting.

Totalling amounts of money. 

Adding meters, centimetres, kilometres, grams, kilograms, millilitres and litres (Y3 and 4)

Rounding to approximate and estimate answers.


Autumn 2



Number – Addition and Subtraction

Spend more time on problem solving and estimating and approximating.

LTR Opportunities:

value of digits when adding and subtracting.

Totalling amounts of money. 

Adding meters, centimetres, kilometres, grams, kilograms, millilitres and litres (Y3 and 4)

Rounding to approximate and estimate answers.


Number – Multiplication and Division

LTR Opportunities:

Value of digits.

Multiplying meters, centimetres, kilometres, grams, kilograms, millilitres and litres (Y3 and 4) when problem solving.



Spring 1


Number – Fractions

LTR Opportunities:

Number line work

Division and number facts (multiplication)

Meters, centimetres, kilometres, grams, kilograms, millilitres and litres (Y3 and 4) when problem solving – finding ¼ of 400ml.


Number - Decimals

LTR Opportunities:

Include all measures including money.

Spring 2


 Number - Decimals

LTR Opportunities:

Include all measures including money.

Number – Decimals and Percentages

Spend longer on number lines.

LTR Opportunities:



Measure – Area and Perimeter

LTR Opportunities:

Increase the numbers. Addition and multiplication (subtraction and division – finding missing values).

Simple conversions link to place value grid and multiplication and division by 10 and 100.



Summer 1

Geometry: Properties of Shape

Spend more time on vocabulary and properties of shape – we have allowed for this in the long term plan.

LTR Opportunities:

Turning shapes (9 timetables). Fractions and position and direction for turns.


Addition and subtraction.



Many of this is repeated curriculum for Y3. 

LTR Opportunities:

Timetables when forming a scale and totalling data.

Links with negative numbers.

Measure – data that can link to kilograms for example or distance travelled (kilometres).

Time – links to time tables.

Measure – Time

LTR Opportunities:

5 times tables. Number bonds to 60.

Conversion links with timetables and division.

Summer 2


Measurement – to include converting units and volume

LTR Opportunities:

Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 in a place value grid.

Link with multiplication (GDS)

Geometry – Position and Direction

LTR Opportunities:

Shape from Y2, 3 and 4 with moving and lines of symmetry.

Focus on 4 Operations