At Ringwood Junior School, keeping our children safe is our main priority and is the key shared responsibility of everyone who comes into contact with our children.
All staff have a crucial role to play in shaping the lives of young people and are accountable for the way in which they exercise authority, manage risk, use resources and protect pupils from discrimination and avoidable harm.
At Ringwood Junior School, we value and recognise that children learn in an environment which is safe, secure and supportive of all their needs.
All visitors to Ringwood Junior School will be required to sign-in using our electronic entry system. In doing so, visitors acknowledge that they have read and understood their safeguarding responsibilities whilst in our school.
Visitors to our school who can work with children unaccompanied by Ringwood Junior School staff, wear a green visitor lanyard. Visitors who need to be accompanied throughout their visit by Ringwood Junior School staff, wear a red visitor lanyard.
At Ringwood Junior School we will do all we can to ensure that:
- The welfare of the child remains paramount.
- All children whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/ or sexual identity have the right to be protected from harm.
- All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
- All staff and volunteers working at our school have a responsibility to report concerns to the designated safeguarding leads.
We support our children through activities that involve pupils identifying their ‘safe adults’ to talk to within school, displays in classrooms, Class Charters, use of a ‘worry box’, PSHE (SCARF) teaching, being available to listen and logging concerns on CPOM’s.
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Mrs SA Evans – Headteacher
Mrs C Thornton – Assistant Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
Mrs J Young – ELSA Learning Support Assistant
Mrs K Gosling – Child and Family Support Worker
Mrs A Marriott – Assistant Headteacher
Mr G Crane – Assistant Headteacher