Indoor Athletics – Year 5 and 6 Ringwood School Qualifier

We were fortunate to be able to compete and take 2 well-practised teams to the New Forest Schools Indoor Athletics Qualifier event this week held at Ringwood School. The teams are mixed Year 5 and Year 6 with all children competing in an individual run, jump and throw events along with a relay event using the kickboards to turn as you can see in the photo.
There were 10 teams at the event and it was lovely to be involved in this from a competitive perspective but also it was great to see the children try so hard to achieve as many points as they could for their team. 4 teams qualified for the finals, which will be held in January and we all cheered loudly as one of our teams have made this final, along with gaining shiny medals.
Thank you to all the parent supporters who were essential in making it a very memorable event for both our teams.